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Working Capital Solutions

Working capital is the oxygen for many businesses.  Using Flagstar’s insights and products can help control and manage accounts receivable, inventory and accounts payable to unlock hidden cash flow to enable a wide range of opportunities.

Unlock capital and accelerate your business' growth

Astute control, management and financing of working capital can provide flexibility and release cash. Releasing working capital further improves capital productivity, generating earnings with less money at work, creating a higher return on capital.

Icon wiht a dollar sign in a circle with an arrow pointing out

Payoff other debt

Icon of a factory

Support strategic investments

Icon of stack of dollars

Return capital to owners

Accounts Payable

Accounts payable is often overlooked as a source of cash flow.  Flagstar’s treasury management team can provide innovative ideas like electronic payment of AP and purchasing card programs as a stand-alone product or in conjunction with financing solutions to maximize cash and flexibility.

  • Payroll Services1
  • ACH Transactions & Wires
  • Controlled Disbursements
  • Commercial Card
  • Account Reconciliation
  • ACH and Check Positive Pay
  • ACH Debit Block

Ready to get started?

Our team of experienced experts are here to help you and your company find the right solution. Contact us to see what Flagstar can do for you.

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1Payroll services provided by Pachex. Paychex© is a trademark of Paychex, Inc.