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Budgeting and Saving

Build your goal-setting muscle

A person walking holding a coffee

Each month, Money Works invites you to try a 30-day challenge. It’s a fun way to shake off old habits and get a fresh perspective on your money.


Go it alone or see if your friends and family can keep up with you!


This month's challenge:

Talking about goals is easy, but it takes a plan to make them happen. So, let’s do a few light reps to build up our goal-setting muscle. Grab a protein shake, stretch, and let’s get started.


Week 1: The warmup

Set a simple goal—like saving $25—and write down the steps to get there. Maybe that’s taking your lunch to work all week or gathering the loose change around the house and depositing it into savings.


Weeks 2, 3, and 4: Pick up the pace

For the remaining weeks, try slightly more challenging goals, like setting up direct deposit for your paycheck or automatic transfers to savings. Again, write down the steps, even if it’s only one or two.
  Lifelong goals—not the simple ones we’re trying here—can feel overwhelming. This point is to get comfortable with the planning part so, later, you can apply it to a goal you truly care about.


Tell us how it goes.

Post a short video about your experience on Facebook and tag us with #flagstarchallenge #may2024