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Fraud Information Center

Flagstar is committed to your financial security. Stay ahead of the game by preventing and detecting fraud.

Preventing fraud

Rapid advances in technology and creative criminal minds make fraud a potentially serious threat on a variety of fronts. Together, we can prevent fraud.

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Our security and what you can do

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Protecting personal information

Detecting fraud

Fraud costs everyone time and money. Detecting fraud is one effective way to avoid becoming a victim or to stop fraud before it goes too far.

Icon of debit, ATM or Credit Cards

Check & ATM fraud

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Internet fraud

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ID theft

If you have been victimized

Fraud victims should immediately report theft or any unauthorized activity involving their credit, accounts or identity.

Icon of debit, ATM or Credit Cards

Debit card compromise FAQs

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Reporting fraud

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Unauthorized electronic ACH or ATM/debit card transaction form—personal

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Unauthorized debit (ACH) form—business

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Consumer international wire dispute form